Will I find a partner in 2023?
resolved Jan 8

Inspired by @NcyRocks questions.

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predicted YES

That was quick! Congrats ^^

bought Ṁ500 of YES

First thought leaving her some shares would be romantic and she said it was tempting, but since she does not already have a Manifold Account, maybe it's for the best if we don't have two people addicted to Manifold.

Define “partner”.

predicted YES

@JimAusman I am going @NcyRocks the Definition.

Resolves YES if I and another person agree that we're partners.

My girlfriend and I decided yesterday that we can refer to each other as our boyfriend/girlfriend to third parties. To me this seems very unambigous, so unless someone has an objection to it until tomorrow, like I misunderstood something about the connotations of the word partner (that we have to live together or something), I'd resolve this market positive.

bought Ṁ5,152 of YES

@Tassilo If you're going with my criterion, it seems to me that it's satisfied and can resolve YES. Congratulations!

predicted YES

@NcyRocks Thanks. Feeling like the luckiest person on this planet.

when nobody believed in you, you believed in your self. beautiful.

predicted YES

@CalebMoore I don't really get what you mean. From my perspective, I really didn't get what going on and sold my No-Shares only when this was basically a safe bet.

bought Ṁ70 of NO

Would call it emotional hedging, but this is just pessimism.