Will the main LK-99 market reach 6k traders in 2023
resolved Dec 14
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predicted YES

Thanks for playing

predicted YES

Reached 6000 now

Only 6 to go

5982 and it even displays as 6k. I concede.

surprisingly close, eh?

predicted NO

Hum. Somehow it got a dozen new traders overnight after stagnating for a few days. Many of those new traders just joined and may never come back. I wonder whose alts or bots they are. Or was there a wave of referrals?

predicted YES

This has happened before: it stagnates for a few days, then something happens (openAI/sama drama being the current event, I believe) that causes a rise in manifold signups and new traders in this market

predicted NO

Will you exclude bots and alts?

predicted NO

@NicoDelon unfortunately that's not really possible and since it hasn't been mentioned so far I don't think it would make sense

predicted NO

@Ernie of course, just wondering if that had been a condition on the previous markets

I frankly don't understand why, but that market is still getting a lot of action and new traders every day and does not seem to be slowing down from September. I had bet NO before, sold (at a profit) and bought a lot of YES

At this rate, it will cross 6k in November, so even a slowdown would still put it on track to resolve YES

(It's a 5,890 right now)

predicted YES

@LuisPedroCoelho up 5 people in 24 hours (at 5,895 now). Again, not sure who is still getting into this market at this point in the game, but people are

(the needed rate for this market to resolve YES is 1.46 new traders per day)

@LuisPedroCoelho I assume it's because there is a high rate of new signups to the site at the moment. It had slowed down, but before it could slow down much more, the userbase started growing faster.

predicted NO

@chrisjbillington Naive question—and I can't believe I don't know the answer—but when people cash out, do they still count as a unique trader or do they thereby decrease the count?

They still count.

predicted NO

@Joshua Cool. Then I'm probably screwed.

predicted YES

The rate of signups has decreased and the growth is a bit slower, but still on track to hit 6k by early Dec

5,923 now, so needed rate to hit 6k is 1.28/day (and it went up by 2/day in last week)

predicted YES

@LuisPedroCoelho 5,935 rn, so still going up ~2/day (needed is 1.20/day)

predicted YES

@LuisPedroCoelho 5,944 now (1.10/day needed)

predicted YES

@LuisPedroCoelho 5,967 rn (0.80/day needed to hit target and still going at roughly 2/day)

predicted NO

I'm tempted to double down but I'm afraid I'll regret it.

Hard to tell, isn't it?

predicted NO

@StrayClimb It has barely gained a small handful of traders over the last week.

predicted YES

@StrayClimb It's gained about 100 traders in September. Seems to be roughly on track

@Shump Yes, in September, but clearly it’s not linear.

@NicoDelon It’s basically stagnated for a week now.

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