Should Manifold fines for misbehavior be convertible to charity donations?
resolved Nov 3

When someone does something against the community guidelines or leverages an exploit around here, one of the possible moderation outcomes is a levied fine. Should the condemned be allowed to convert that fine into a forced charity donation of equal measure?

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I'm surprised at how this is turning out! Is it because of the current PC scandal? It seems like an elegant way to handle these things moving forward, imo. Why punish charities for our BS if it doesn't impact other users?

@Stralor im confused. how are the charities being punished?

@Stralor i voted no because the way its worded sounds like if im being fined, it will be donated so it's almost like encouraging to do things to get fined cuz it will be donated anyways.

@higherLEVELING ah I see your point! I guess I see that as a positive. most people aren't actually donating that much around here in the short term, so to me if the point of levying fines is to reduce capital why not send it to a charity anyway? While I think this has legs beyond the PC situation, I do think it's odd that there's conversation about reversing charity donations in order to levy fines against him. Inspired me to go: why not make any/all fines output to charity anyway? The difference in user experience is minimal and creates a better output from the site.

@Stralor I actually dont know anything about the pc situation at all.

@Stralor Wait, is this related to the group of accounts that were farming mana to do donate to that Ukraine fund?

@higherLEVELING I think I heard that's involved somehow, but more that PC has donated a ton to charity already in lieu of fines and they're discussing taking the mana back out of the charity so he has it in his account to take it away