The 2024 Republican National Convention will be held from July 15-18, 2024, in Milwalkee, Wisconsin. Voting to nominate the Presidential candidate typically occurs on the first or second day of the convention.

A majority of delegates will be required to nominate a candidate to run for President of the United States. A "contested convention" occurs when a single candidate achieves only a plurality of votes during the first round of voting. Additional rounds of voting would then continue until one candidate achieves a majority of votes by the delegates.

This market resolves to YES if the first ballot for President the Republican party makes during the 2024 nominating cycle does not yield a majority of votes for any single candidate.

It resolves to N/A if no nominating vote is held before the general election, if the Republican candidate is selected in some way other than by delegate voting, if the rules are changed such that a plurality can nominate a candidate on the first ballot, or if the Republican party is dissolved.

It resolves to NO otherwise.

The market still will resolve to YES or NO if another pandemic occurs and the vote takes place over video, if the convention is cancelled for any reason but mail-in or electronic ballots are used, and if the party later overturns the results of the first round.

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