Will the Tate brothers get charged with sex/human trafficking in Romania?
resolved Jul 14

Resolved NO if no charges are filed against the Tates in the current proceedings

Resolved YES if Charges are filed

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predicted YES


predicted NO

This can resolve no due to the charges changing before filing, meaning the “current proceedings” when the market was created had ceased.

predicted YES

This can be resolved Yes

bought Ṁ27 of NO

@NGK The “current proceedings” are no longer in place, as the filings had to be changed. Meaning this market resolves no.

predicted YES

@JonahKrompart This is the fattest cope I have ever seen lmao. The title clearly states “will the Tate brothers be charged with sex/human trafficking” which is exactly what the article claims. Stay quiet 🤫

predicted NO

@NGK Different charges different case, ask a lawyer :/

predicted YES

@JonahKrompart Upgrading charges is not a different case. If you think upgrading from “Human trafficking” to “human trafficking in continued form” is a different case entirely you’re lost in the sauce brother

predicted NO

@NGK “In the current proceedings”

predicted YES

this person doesn't look like they have been active recently. so is there a way to get it resolved?

predicted YES

@NGK Tristan and associates were also charged according to the article.

bought Ṁ126 of NO

So by “current proceedings” this would mean the charges that were submitted, heard, and overseen when this market was created right?

predicted YES

they have until june 27th.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@JonahKrompart Since he hasn't been charged yet, doesn't that mean Tate think he will be?

predicted NO

@Resolution He literally said no

predicted YES

@JonahKrompart Yeah you're right, I didn't know what "cleared by charges" meant. Good luck though, I think he getting charged 💯

predicted NO

@Resolution Yeah I’ll make so much money if he doesn’t get charged tho