Will Praggnanandhaa beat Magnus carlsen and win the finals of the The Chess World Cup 2023
resolved Aug 24

If he wins the tournament this resolves YES, otherwise NO

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predicted NO

Magnus wins, resolves NO

bought Ṁ50 of NO

Pragg had such an amazing run. It’s not over yet, but unless Magnus blunders hard, there’s no way he can win this from the current position.

bought Ṁ200 of NO

tfw you're not very good at chess but you know how to watch the white bar get bigger


predicted NO

@Mqrius At least you are more self-aware than the average youtube chatter

predicted NO

@Mqrius I am adding an extra layer of expertise by listening for the GM casters saying "This looks bad for pragg", making big mana this way currently.

predicted NO

Ooh it got bigger again

predicted NO

@Mqrius The youtube chatters in question:

bought Ṁ500 of NO


bought Ṁ1,000 of NO

@SophusCorry Casters just said "This match is essentially over"

predicted NO

Oh white bar shrunk. Cmon Magnus what are you even doing! Who would even move a queen like that??

predicted YES

@SophusCorry leave it to people online to make the worst possible claims

bought Ṁ20 of NO

I’m sorry but no country is allowed to have 2 wins in a row. Pragg will not win today.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

I believe.

bought Ṁ50 of NO

Pragg resigns first game where he had the white pieces..

predicted YES

@SophusCorry Magnus simply king at Blitz. I still believe.

predicted NO

@ParthKolekar anything could happen but it's not looking good for pragg imo

predicted YES

@SophusCorry in such high level play, where all you have to do is draw, Magnus just needs to play the safe moves to force a draw. Pragg would need to play riskier moves to bait the longest reigning #1 at Chess into misplacing. These are abysmal odds.


bought Ṁ60 of NO


predicted NO

They agreed to a draw, so they have tiebreakers with shorter time controls tomorrow. I will make sure not to close this market before it is decided. It is possibly due to Magnus being sick from food poisoning that he chose a drawish opening.

as much as i want him to, i don't think he will :(

First game was a draw

Magnus had a lot more time left on the clock before they got to the draw though. If that's indicative of the rest of the games then Praggnanandhaa doesn't have much chance.

@Mqrius Meh I don't necessarily think that's indicative of anything, but Pragg was definitely the underdog from the start and still is.

predicted YES

@SophusCorry i genuinely feel he might win

bought Ṁ20 of NO

@nobody it would be awesome to see. But I can't imagine him winning with the black pieces so he would have to do it in tiebreaks probably. He is good enough to pull it off but I think it's unlikely.

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