When will Ilya Sutskever's new startup, SSI, release its first product?
resolved Sep 5
~2024 (before Jan 2026)
~2027 (between Jan 2026 and June 2032)

I wonder when Ilya’s new company will release its first ai product. I don't know what this product will look like. It could be a service to review other companies’ architectures and provide certifications, a new discovery sold to other companies, or even SSI’s own AI models. The key point is that the product must be significant, not a one-off event. The market resolves to the option closest to the release date. For example, if SSI releases a ChatGPT competitor in 2026, the market resolves to 2027, as this is the closest option.

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If SSI folds without releasing a product, does this resolve Other or N/A?

i want to fix the options on this market, they are very bad. i have no idea what i was thinking when i created it, @mods can we n/a or is too late?

we can also leave it doesn’t matter. i tried making the options a bit easier to understand but this could have been a yes/no market asking if SSI will release something before Jan 2026

thank you @jacksonpolack
