[Game] The last person to bet on this receives 1000 Mana - Will the last trade be a Yes? [No Bots]
resolved May 24

The market closes seven days after the last bet made by a human user. The person who made the bet wins 1000 Mana. You can qualify multiple times. Only bets on Yes or No are eligible. Selling your position doesn’t count. You don’t need to hold your position to win. The market resolves to the position taken by the last trader.

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bought Ṁ250 YES

I presume limit orders don't count unless they are filled.

ismellpillows created limit order for Ṁ10 NO at 53% 6d

Christopher Randles created limit order for Ṁ12 YES at 40% 7d

Christopher Randles created limit order for Ṁ23 NO at 54% 7d

Christopher Randles bought Ṁ16 YES from 44% to 50% 7d

Now over 7 days since I bought 16 yes. Stayed at 50% so not caused book orders to occur.

My holding is for 61 yes, so resolves yes.
Presumably even if there are now trades before it closes and resolves?

@machine why the 1-star review?

bought Ṁ250 YES

I presume limit orders don't count unless they are filled.

ismellpillows created limit order for Ṁ10 NO at 53% 6d

Christopher Randles created limit order for Ṁ12 YES at 40% 7d

Christopher Randles created limit order for Ṁ23 NO at 54% 7d

Christopher Randles bought Ṁ16 YES from 44% to 50% 7d

Now over 7 days since I bought 16 yes. Stayed at 50% so not caused book orders to occur.

My holding is for 61 yes, so resolves yes.
Presumably even if there are now trades before it closes and resolves?

@Soli ^ ?

@ChristopherRandles i can finally resolve this market. I sent you 1000 Mana 🏆.

@traders I will resolve this market Yes, since the last qualified trader ( @ChristopherRandles) bet yes. Any objections?

@Soli Thank you very much, good fun market.

uh looks like it resolves yes?

@Qoiuoiuoiu Previously has always been reopened

Reopening again?

Seems like this will resolve N/A with the pivot, since the 1000 Mana payout will not be possible

bought Ṁ40 YES

@Soli Do I understand right that this should resolve YES, with anamax receiving 1000 mana?

@Bayesian the question was closed right after he placed the trade by mistake so no one else had a chance to place a bet. I noticed yesterday 😅 so I reopened the question. Do you think anamex should still win?

bought Ṁ10 NO

@Soli Oh LOL ig not

Last, bet 6 seconds before

predicted NO

@ShyamJayesh The date keeps getting extended until there is a 7 day period

@ChristopherRandles i am preparing a nice twist for this game to make it more interesting and hopefully get it closed eventually - right now it is too boring

predicted YES

"The market resolves to the position taken by the last trader."
Wait so if the last trade is a yes but that person holds a no position then does it resolve yes as per question title or no as per description?
Or is this selling a holding so that doesn't count, but the previous trade could still be theirs and therefore over a week so it might resolve to their position but more likely someone else traded and so it doesn't resolve?

@Lorxus this long-game reminds me of the Tontine

predicted YES

@KongoLandwalker Is this worse as new people can join at any time?

Do API bets count? Do bot accounts count?

@Lion i think they should not count but is it possible to add a tag or something like that that would indicate to the bots they should not be betting on this market?

@Soli Maybe add it to the resolution criteria, I don't think it's possible to ban bots from markets righ now. But whenever a bot directly places a bet after a manual bet, this one would become pretty useless.

@Lion i added it to the title and description - thank you for calling this out!!

predicted YES

@Soli You can just specify that the market closes 7 days after "the last bet not made by a bot"

@CDBiddulph thank you!