The MetroCard used by public transport in New York City is being replaced by a modern fare system called OMNY. This replacement has faced multiple delays, with the most recent estimated completion date of 2025.
This market resolves yes if the MetroCard is no longer available to purchase from all NYC Subway stations. This does not include PATH stations, airports, LIRR/MNRR stations, etc. Being able to purchase a MetroCard from a merchant/illegally does not count.
Meanwhile, a date for the official retirement of MetroCards, commemorative or not, is still to be determined.
Can you clarify "all MetroCard vending machines", i.e. whether that means all currently (March 2024) operational ones? What about machines that are being torn down?
I also know a machine that's been in "Single Rides Only" mode for a while now, which would technically already resolve this to YES today, but that's clearly not the spirit of the question.
@lxgr I have cleared up the resolution criteria to exclude anything regarding the vending machines, it will be based on whether a MetroCard can be purchased.
Single ride only would resolve NO since it is a MetroCard.