Will @DesTiny aka Wobbles [DesTiny] get their "Trustworthy-ish" badge by end of 2023?
resolved Mar 1

For Background:


I will not make a prediction on this market.

Resolves early if @DesTiny aka Wobbles [DesTiny] gets the badge or a new badge created as positive (ie. DGG specific badge).

Resolves N/A if @ManifoldMarkets removes the badge before they earn it or if user is banned for any amount of time prior to earning badge.

Feb 23, 6:12pm: Will @DesTiny get their "Trustworthy-ish" badge by end of 2023? → Will @DesTiny (aka Wobbles) get their "Trustworthy-ish" badge by end of 2023?

Feb 23, 6:18pm: Will @DesTiny (aka Wobbles) get their "Trustworthy-ish" badge by end of 2023? → Will @Wobbles (formerly known as @DesTiny) get their "Trustworthy-ish" badge by end of 2023?

Feb 23, 7:39pm: Will @Wobbles (formerly known as @DesTiny) get their "Trustworthy-ish" badge by end of 2023? → Will @DesTiny aka Wobbles [DesTiny] get their "Trustworthy-ish" badge by end of 2023?

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I am Resolving this super early as N/A

This and the other similar market about "trustworthy-ish" keeps showing a 404 error. It could be a bug that is temporary or some other issue I am unaware of.

I do not feel it is fair if some can see the listing and some can not, especially if they have a position on the market.

This resolving now as N/A is to be transparent and honest to the @ManifoldMarkets community overall.

predicted YES

@NicoDelon knows I'm gonna get it soon

@DesTiny Maybe. Doesn’t mean I think you deserve it n

predicted YES

@SirCryptomind umm please update your market. You are way behind the times

@DesTiny 🤣 geeeeeze

bought Ṁ50 of NO

I just did a 39-90 arbitrage somehow. Am I missing something about these markets which makes them not arbable?

predicted YES

@Conflux The problem is you arbed them wrong, they both should be at 90%