Do I deserve a trustworthy-ish badge?
resolved Feb 16

I wanted to see how others feel about who should get the badge and why. Also Austin said I have to convince other people with the badge to say I should have it, in order to get it ._.

Also market resolves based on the likes on the two first comments

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predicted YES

@DesTiny boooo

predicted YES

@Conflux yeah a bunch of people changed their bet at the last second for profit, before that I think it was a 18-18 split. pretty close

sold แน€37 of NO

@DesTiny yo wtf? someone would really do that? change their likes and position just for some mana????

predicted NO

@DesTiny Oh look, you colluding with your buddies again to profit! Exactly whatโ€™s going to make you worthy of a badge.

predicted YES
predicted YES

@NicoDelon ๐Ÿ—ฟ

predicted NO

@Simon1551 ๐Ÿ’ฉ

bought แน€270 of YES

These markets almost always seem conceptually backwards because people (myself included) always flip these markets last minute for profit

predicted YES

@PatMyron yeah probably, I do think what it was like a few hours ago was a good representation of how people felt. Which was the whole point I made this market

bought แน€2,000 of YES

@PatMyron I think that's a big difference with markets where people actually bet with real money

predicted YES For anyone who cares enough to read 2 pages of my rambling

bought แน€387 of YES

@DesTiny FeelsStrongMan Clap

predicted YES
predicted YES

@DesTiny If you upload it as a twitlonger, you'll get +1 to drama, +3 sympathy.

predicted YES

@DesTiny farm those tears

Still convinced this market description was edited to profit:

predicted NO

@PatMyron Of course it was. The original sin.

@PatMyron Forgot that was DesTiny! Yeah, I think an apology for that should happen before they get a badge.

predicted YES

@PatMyron I will admit I do understand why someone might be confused by the fact the description was different from the others, but im swear on my life it was like that from the start. I even put it in caps to make it easier to notice.

predicted NO

@PatMyron FWIW I believe DesTiny in this particular case, even though my preference is for him not to get a checkmark because there should be high standards for checkmarks.

predicted NO

@StevenK Specifically, I remember it already saying "shootouts do count" when I made some of my trades, and it looks like all of my trades were before all of Pat's and Nico's trades. It was a surprising condition that was easy to overlook, and it's fair to criticize the market as misleading for not having a warning in the title, but I don't think it was edited for profit.

predicted NO

@StevenK I bet specifically at the end of open play because it was heading into a shootout, the description was edited more than once

predicted NO

@PatMyron I guess it's possible that he edited it to "shootouts don't count" or to [blank] after my bets, and then edited it to "shootouts do count" again after your bets?

Was never blank. Remember betting bc it specifically stated it and it wasn't ambiguous

predicted NO

@PatMyron I wonder if it's possible for admins to check.