You can now post images in market descriptions
Ṁ53resolved Jul 21
Will resolve N/A in a week. In the meantime, enjoy this beautiful image:
Some ideas on what you can do now:
Images from the news to give context on what the market is about
Screenshots of markets from other markets on manifold, or from other prediction markets
Pro tip: be sure to draw your own technical analysis crayon lines in mspaint
Reaction gifs and memes
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
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@LivInTheLookingGlass markdown shortcuts already work!
*italics*, ## headings, > quotes, and more get turned into formatted text in the market description editor. Of course, you can also use keyboard shortcuts like ctrl b to bold.
@Sinclair holy cow, I missed that! Now I can make my markets so much prettier, or even make a system of related markets. Maybe I need to play with that a little.
If I may add a more niche request, mermaid syntax support would be quite nice, and could allow for flow charts in markets without much extra effort
@LivInTheLookingGlass you may request whatever you'd like, but I think that feature in particular we are unlikely to ever build. In the worlds where we want more charts on manifold, we'd probably just add embeds so people can drop in whimsical, guestimate, etc. In the worlds where we want charts to be drawn on manifold itself (lol), I suspect we'd go with a click-and-drag UI over a text based one.
@EnopoletusHarding coming soon! I want to fix @ mentions in the editor first before using the new editor for comments and comment-like things