Why did Angela Chao drown in a Tesla? [Add your own answer]
Just an accident
To send a message to Mitch McConnell
Something to do with Evergrande vs Bank of China feud
Assassinated by CCP
Elon pulling the strings

Angela Chao was the CEO of a shipping company and also the sister-in-law of Mitch McConnell, republican minority leader of the senate. She was also a board member of the Bank of China.

I'll do my best to resolve answers as definitive news comes up. I will not trade on this market.

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I assume this resolves to "just an accident" if nothing comes out by the end of the year?

@Arky If the news finds absolutely nothing until the end of the year, I think I'd resolve that to YES. I suspect small amounts of information will come out over time though, so this answer doesn't have a certain resolution date.

These answers are independent, so feel free to add an answer like "we won't know by July" or like "no strong evidence for anything beyond a normal accident by end of year".

No bet or comment possible here from me, I would just bring down on my own head a pile of “TOO SOON”

@ClubmasterTransparent the world deserves to know the truth

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