hmm I didn't get a strong conclusion after researching this
- It is the case that there was a surge of whale beachings in early 2023 including 4 in New Jersey
- Ground News says that most news sites across left/right are on the NO side, citing mostly that NOAA concluded that it probably wasn't the case.
- Science establishment seems on NO. Like of course they would be, but I haven't seen anything conclusively scientifically refuting the claim.
like obviously this is evidence for NO but it's also consistent with the world where it is true and being brushed under the table.
I think mostly the news cycle had moved on. Some of these articles seem pretty recent though (because of NOAA findings) so maybe there will be more public discussion soon?
I'm somewhat inclined to extend the time ... but also it seems to me that people don't actually care about this question very much and therefore I am skeptical of the value of more time. what do people think?