Which was the most important milestone in our evolution?
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Emergence of life on earth
Eukaryotic + multicellular beings
Animal life
Homo Sapiens
First human civilizations

Feel free to define "important" as you prefer.

If you have thoughts, write them in the comments

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If Gagarin's 1961 flight to orbit was on the poll, i would have selected that.

Beautiful AI drawing for this market. I set this as my background!

Big bang. More specifically, the specific big bang that allowed the conditions for life to emerge, that allowed this question to be contemplated.

@Undox yeah, I thought of adding it after I created this poll. Too late. I can't edit it any more

[x] your mom

@a2bb wow, Manifold has really nice people too

@a2bb I originally thought it was an insult, but I'm getting now that it was a joke, and quite funny though 🤦😂😂

I feel like emergence of simple life was less of a filter than multicellular life.

Then for acceleration of development in knowledge persistence there's language, writing, communications.

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@MaybeNotDepends And cat videos.

@MaybeNotDepends I'll make it an open poll next time 😂😂

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