Will Twitter's logo still be an X by 31st July?
resolved Jul 31

Twitter have changed their logo from the old blue bird to a black stylised X on a white background. Musk Tweeted this as the change happened:


Will this new X logo last until 21:00 BST on Monday 31st July (the close time of this market)?

Resolution notes;

  • I will be looking at the logo on the top left of the site when I view https://twitter.com/home while logged in. If there is no longer a logo in that particular part of the page, I will use my judgement to judge what counts as the site's logo.

  • If the logo is changed back to the blue bird or anything else which isn't an X, this market resolves NO, even if the change is temporary.

  • If the logo is changed to something else which is still an X, this will still resolve YES

  • If there is no logo on the site and it is impossible to determine what Twitter's logo is at the time that this market closes, I will resolve to N/A

  • By "Twitter" I mean the service that we currently know as Twitter. If the name of the service changes, that does not affect this market.

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The X logo made it until the end of July...

Will it make it to the end of August and the end of the year?