Will the resolution of the 100k steps market be controversial?
resolved Jan 1

Resolves YES if 3 people become angry and argue with the resolution, for example by saying it is bullshit, accusing FUH of collusion or cheating, etc. Arguments must apprear in comments either on Manifold or in the discord server.

YES holders on this market are excluded from the count to prevent manipulation. Other steps to prevent manipulation might be taken if neccesary.

I will not be betting on this market.

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Only see 1. YES holders had time to point out evidence already. Resolves NO

I'm the biggest active loser. I don't see how it was controversial. He posted ample proof

predicted NO

Also, its manifold users fault this market got big. It's not like we all had no choice in the matter.

predicted YES

@MarcusAbramovitch The question resolves YES if 3 people get salty, not just if there's a reasonable controvery. I trust FUH to be honest in a very well-monitored situation, but trusting 526 out of 528 pseudonymous user accounts to act gracefully is a higher bar to clear.

predicted NO

@MarcusAbramovitch I didn't do a count, but yeah in the spirit of the market not controversial at all

Do market reviews count? There’s at least 3 there from people who are varying levels of confused

@DanMan314 I only see the same guy that I posted below.

I don't understand half of this but I think this counts

predicted NO

@Shump That was posted before FUH made 100k though.

@IsaacKing No it's after. For some reason Manifold is not sorting this comment in the righr order but the stamp is from after it.

Anyways, I don't require the comments to be after the resolution. It can be before as long as they pertain to what they think it will resolve to.

predicted NO

@Shump Is that the only one for now?

@NicoDelon If comments from before count, there definitely have been accusations before, form multiple accounts, but maybe not multiple people.

@NicoDelon I think so?

@jskf I don't want to count something that didn't happen recently. I meant more like if someone commented after he posted the 99.9k or 100k screenshots, somebody already knew for sure they were going to lose their money and got pissed.

predicted YES

@Shump yeah I figured that would be what you meant. Commented as an implied request for clarification, and also because those people might show up again now that the market has resolved.