Will the war between Israel and Hamas end in 2024?
resolved Nov 12

Will Israel return to a place that feels safe to live in similar to pre invasion by Hamas.

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predicted NO

@Sinclair Don't know if you're the right person to be tagged here, but can you please undo the resolution of this market? Is that even possible?

predicted NO

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predicted YES

@redcat Seems to be an error. Tagging community managers is our best bet.

It could also be that Hamas as a terrorist organization survives in another country (like the commanders hide in Iran).
Then the war with it will not end, but people in Israel may feel relatively safe again.

Is it Yes or No in your subjective view?

Those are two different and almost unrelated questions.


Yes, safe is an opaque and very subjective word. What I am asking, can Israel end the war in such a way to satisfy their citizens, in the sense that Israel can take the steps that would allow their citizens to regain trust in the government and military to contain the threat of Hamas invasion.

@SherryBohn The question title may seem entirely misleading to many based on those additional subjective criteria. Do you have any elaboration on how you will determine Israeli sense of security and trust relative to prior?

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