Will Minecraft be searched more in the US than Roblox at the end of 2023?
resolved Jan 1

Resolves YES if:

The volume of searches in the United States for the term "Minecraft" exceeds the volume of searches for the term "Roblox" on Google Trends, using the "past day" filter on Dec 31 2023, 11:59 PM GMT. (average shown on the left)

Resolves N/A if:

Google Trends is down at the close date, and doesn't return within a week, or returns without the data from Dec 31, 2023.

Otherwise, resolves NO.


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predicted NO

Resolve pleasseee

predicted NO

@ShadowyZephyr resolves NO

bought Ṁ500 of NO

Roblox is ahead at ~23:59 GMT

bought Ṁ20 of NO

Roblox tends to get a Christmas spike, which seems to marginally persist to EOY. Combined with Minecraft's apparent downward trend currently, I'd put Roblox just ahead.

bought Ṁ25 of YES

Why do they have different curves with slightly different peaks?

bought Ṁ20 of NO

@Emanuele9898 Yeah, it seems that around 1AM Roblox has consistently surpassed minecraft

Roblox will be superior, when performing t-test to the sample of all Minecraft (blue) and Roblox (red) 2023 popularity searches worldwide using Google Trends, according to the P-Value (0.08), there is no statistical significance to reject the null hypothesis, which can be concluded that the behavior is similar.

However, if you pay close attention to the last 5 months, Roblox (red line) was slightly higher than Minecraft, which could be an indicator of the answer. The last time Minecraft went ahead of Roblox was related to the last 1.20 Trails and Tales update, which was launched on June 7th, causing searches to go up.

When researching upcoming events, none of them expect major updates by the end of this year. Additionally, Roblox is a game whose public is directed to a younger, more active public. On the other hand, Minecraft’s popularity has decreased over the last months, a trend that will not stop given that the next update is in mid-2024. On top of this, Roblox is averaging 40 million more users than Minecraft, a clear sign of which game is more relevant.


Dataset: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=minecraft,roblox&hl=es-419

Minecraft Update information: https://beebom.com/minecraft-1-21-update/

Popularity: https://brightchamps.com/blog/roblox-vs-minecraft-2022/#:~:text=There%20is%20a%20huge%20craze,on%20Minecraft%20and%20Roblox%20below.

@em25242 Why is the default language for that Google Trends link set as Spanish?

predicted NO

rip minecraft 😭

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