Will Ilya Sutskever be working at OpenAI on January 1st 2024?
resolved Jan 1

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His LinkedIn, Google Scholar, Twitter, Wikipedia, all say that Ilya still works at OpenAI. I'll resolve this YES at midnight.

predicted NO

Do we know where he is right now? Is he back in openAI?

bought Ṁ42 of YES

I put up a large limit order at 85%. Expires in 24h

bought Ṁ10 of NO

New Year's Day is a federal holiday, I don't think he would be working that day.

What if Microsoft buys OpenAI, it is all converted into a for prodit corporation called OpenAI and he works for that.

He shouldn’t be. Dude totally fucked OpenAI to the point that now they are not a trustworthy actor.

@BTE what about as an individual contributor?

bought Ṁ100 of NO

@BTE WTF, please show some respect to the man who built the company from nothing.

@firstuserhere He also almost killed it.

predicted NO

@BTE He did no such thing.

predicted NO

@firstuserhere fwiw, that poll result is consistent with people thinking a) that he didn't do anything wrong ex ante (and the staff response was not reasonably anticipated), or b), that destroying the company wouldn't have been "doing anything wrong", or c), that "firing Sam was a bad call, but he didn't violate moral norms by doing it". Don't think you can read into it too much.

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