What will happen in the week of the United States presidential election? [Add answers]
Nov 12
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gets more votes than the margin between the Democrat and Republican in the presidential race in any state
Donald Trump declares victory
Combined votes for all third-party candidates exceeds 3% in at least one state
Turnout in the 2024 election is lower than it was in 2020
At least half the swing states vote to the left of their RCP polling averages. (AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA, WI Presidential)
More than a million people die
There is a polling error of at least 7% from the FiveThirtyEight or RealClearPolitics average for a state in a presidential, Senate, or governor election (average must contain at least 5 polls)
Combined votes for all third-party candidates exceeds 7% in at least one state
A single party wins the presidency, the House of Representatives, and the Senate
The S&P 500 closes higher at the end of the week than the beginning
There is an op-ed in the New York Times questioning whether Biden dropping out was the right decision
Kamala Harris declares victory
Donald Trump says that the election was rigged
Joe Biden sits for a television interview
There is a riot at a location where votes are being counted.
A magnitude 7.0 or greater earthquake occurs somewhere on Earth and is reported on https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map
Someone with less than a 3 percent of winning in the FiveThirtyEight forecast wins their House race
A gun is fired at a location where votes are being counted.
Trump spends at least an hour in a courtroom on at least one day
Jimmy Carter dies

For purposes of this market, the week of the election runs from Monday, November 4, 2024 to Sunday, November 11, 2024. The market runs in Pacific time.

All events must occur during this week. Any election results that are not certain by midnight PST on November 12 will resolve N/A.

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More than a million people die

8 billion people /100 years life expectancy / 52 weeks in a year = ~1.5 million
Seems like too much of a sure thing?

Even if we wanted something like 2m deaths in the week, where would numbers be available to resolve this?

https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ shows 22.4 million deaths this year approx 15 weeks so my rough calculation above seems in agreement with this.

Donald Trump says that the election was rigged

Do comments like he made in 2016 ("President-elect Donald Trump alleged Sunday, without evidence, that “millions of people” voted illegally for Hillary Clinton") count?

@HarryHayfield Is this referring to the presidential race or would something like a late House call count too?

@SaviorofPlant The Presidential Race

Seems pretty unlikely. California will probably take a few weeks to count the votes, but the outcome of the election there is basically guaranteed.

Combined votes for all third-party candidates exceeds 3% in at least one state

Presidential candidates, to clarify

Donald Trump declares victory
bought Ṁ20 Donald Trump declare... YES

Does anyone seriously expect Trump to concede?

@TimothyJohnson5c16 I am also baffled that people are bidding this down