The relevant timezone of this market is UTC.
Roman Empire: Unlike Lion's other market about whether the Roman Empire will make a comback, I will consider any entity that calls themselves "the Roman Empire" or similar and controls more than 10,000km^2 of land on Earth to be the Roman Empire.
Partnership: any form of mutually agreed collaboration. including but not limited to:
Manifold bought, participated in, obtained or controlled, in part or in all, the Roman Empire's policy decision process
The Roman Empire bought more than 5% of Manifold
The Roman Empire and Manifold worked together in any form to
create or perform any Rome-related materials or activities, such as a Roman Empire Politics page, or a Caesar Augustus x Manifold plushie
promote Manifold, such as to use Manifold as the Roman Empire's political decision tool, or to mention Manifold in any of its laws
Additional rule: this market unconditionally resolves YES if Manifold renames itself to the Roman Empire.
This is a vibe based market. Every future moderator should feel free to resolve this market based on their view on the resolution criteria.