It should be a full time job. You can look at my work experience on LinkedIn:
@AmmonLam If this were real obviously I would need more research, but hypothetically, yes. (That reminded me Manifold is open source and I just had a look. An interesting codebase.)
@SanghyeonSeo Could you share more about (1) when you think you'll start applying, (2) what companies are you considering, and (3) how much financial runway you currently process?
@Knuffa (1) I think I will start applying in the second half (2) one company I am considering is Astral, which builds Python tooling in Rust, I contributed to Python and Rust in the past (3) as I am currently cash flow positive, my financial runway is approximately infinite, if I don't make large purchases.
I built a solar power plant in southwest Korea in 2016 with 50% self funded and 50% mortgage, after 8 years all debt is paid from revenue and it is debt free, with 20 years long term contract with KEPCO(Korea Electric Power Corporation, state owned electricity monopoly) and about 8%/year ROI.
I do want to make large purchases, I want to travel abroad for example, say to attend Manifest. Large purchases are funded from saving, my current estimate is if I don't reduce large purchases (I can, but I don't want to) my runway is approximately two years.