What should Manifold do to improve the new homepage?
resolved Sep 26
Improve daily movers
Sort groups automatically by recent activity
Allow users to "close"/"hide"/"mark as not interested" markets that they aren't interested in
Add a section for "my markets" (markets created by the user)
Add more diverse content (images which link to groups/posts/tournament/newsletter, show the graph embed for featured markets)
More pictures
Showcase tournaments, or maybe a single tournament to give them visibility
More intuitive group configuration
Make the featured market stand out more.
highlight more non-political markets
Allow rearranging of panels
Show recent actions by people you follow
Make "Daily Movers" load faster, or else move it to not be the top item on the home page.
An option to randomly shuffle the groups every time you go to the home page
Add a way to remove a group from the home page without unfollowing it
Provide a setting for people to filter certain keywords or groups out of the home page.
Add percentage point change in "Recently updated" section
Stop sending daily notifications for loans (e.g. by collapsing subsequent similar notifications into one, or by adding a larger dashboard for projected finances)
Improving SEO rankings of markets for better information distribution to the wider web

Manifold has just launched a new homepage designed to make it easier to browse relevant markets across a variety of categories.

What can we do to improve the design or user experience of the homepage?

I will resolve this market by choosing the most helpful 1-5 answers one week from now, weighted by my subjective sense of helpfulness/impactfulness. I value precise and explicit suggestions ("change the font to X") over more general and vague suggestions, even if correct ("improve the font").

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Sort groups automatically by recent activity

Personally, I prefer manual

Make the featured market stand out more.

Agreed, would be nice to get a couple graphs on the homepage

Improve daily movers
bought Ṁ30

If you've bet within the last 24 hours, instead of looking at default parameters, look to see if market has moved a significant % since ur last trade on it (compare live prob to prob ur trade moved the prob to).

Stop sending daily notifications for loans (e.g. by collapsing subsequent similar notifications into one, or by adding a larger dashboard for projected finances)

@LudwigBald FYI u can disable notifications for daily loans in the settings tab on the notification page.

Provide a setting for people to filter certain keywords or groups out of the home page.

like Tumblr savior

Allow users to "close"/"hide"/"mark as not interested" markets that they aren't interested in

@Yev ah, got it - no problem if it's disqualified then

Allow users to "close"/"hide"/"mark as not interested" markets that they aren't interested in

@AndyMartin That's exactly my point. It's a global feature that affects the entire site, not just the new home page.

Allow users to "close"/"hide"/"mark as not interested" markets that they aren't interested in

@SneakySly +1, ideally once you "hide"/"mark as not interested" a market, it would not show up in any context (home page, search, marking listing page for a group, etc)

Sort groups automatically by recent activity

@SG What do you all think about this one? Do you like being able to manually arrange groups on the homepage? Or would you prefer it to be automatic?

Allow users to "close"/"hide"/"mark as not interested" markets that they aren't interested in

@Yev It should be something you can do from the homepage, similar to hiding groups.

Add a way to remove a group from the home page without unfollowing it

Also I don't want to have my closed groups (where I'm the owner and the only member) on the home page, but if I unfollow them I won't be able to add markets to them.

Add a way to remove a group from the home page without unfollowing it

IMHO there is an intermediate state of "I'm kinda interested in this, but not enough to take up space on my home page".

An option to randomly shuffle the groups every time you go to the home page

@Yev I usually don't scroll far enough to see more than a few groups.

Allow users to "close"/"hide"/"mark as not interested" markets that they aren't interested in

@AndyMartin While it would be a great feature, I'm not sure what it has to do with the new homepage.

Make the featured market stand out more.

@MichaelWheatley You could give it a picture, or display the graph.

Allow users to "close"/"hide"/"mark as not interested" markets that they aren't interested in
Show recent actions by people you follow

Following another user doesn't seem to do anything at the moment. A feed of recent actions from the people you follow could be interesting, e.g.

  • X bought M$50 of YES on this market

  • Y commented on this other market

  • Z followed W

  • etc.

Make the featured market stand out more.

More pictures

@MichaelWheatley There was some talk about this in the Notion discussion. It sure is nice to look at something other than text occasionally.