Will Mitch McConnell freeze again before the end of 2023?
resolved Jan 1

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📢Resolved to NO ; Did not happen again since market creation ; Proof used was Google Search News Sorted Most Recent

Unresolved this :)

predicted YES

@SirSalty thanks so much

predicted NO

@Ribikid is the market intended to be closed, or was that a side-effect of resolving? I think you can open it up yourself without admin help.

predicted YES
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predicted NO

Emm sorry what is the actual new instance of freezing? There are no news about it, and what @AliciaGrugett linked to is the old clip from before this market was started.

I think this has been misresolved, at least for now.

predicted YES

@HenriThunberg you're correct. My apologies. I'm currently working to unresolve this. Do you know how?

predicted NO

@Ribikid I think you need an admin, e.g. @SirSalty :)

predicted YES

@HenriThunberg Sorry, my bad…I just looked at the date of posting without checking that it was the freeze from August.

predicted YES

McConnell froze again…time to resolve yes.

predicted YES