Will Michael Trazzi make a video about apocalypse cults before 2025?

Resolves as YES if Michael Trazzi (https://www.youtube.com/c/TheInsideView) makes a video where the main theme is apocalypse cults (or something directly related to this) before January 1st 2025 (and after March 1st 2024).

Multiple different formats are acceptable for this video, including but not limited to: presentation videos, interviews, single-person monologues.

Apocalypse cults, also known as doomsday cults, are religious or secular groups that believe in an impending end of the world or civilization. These cults often have a charismatic leader who claims to have special knowledge or prophecies about the apocalypse. Members of these cults may prepare for the end times by stockpiling supplies, building shelters, or engaging in rituals.

Throughout history, various apocalypse cults have emerged, often tied to millenarianism—the belief that a major transformation of society will occur after a thousand-year period. Some notable examples include:

  1. The Millerites (1830s-1840s): Founded by William Miller, who predicted that Jesus Christ would return to Earth in 1843-1844.

  2. Heaven's Gate (1970s-1997): Led by Marshall Applewhite, this cult believed that a spacecraft trailing the Hale-Bopp comet would take them to a higher level of existence. In 1997, 39 members committed mass suicide.

  3. Branch Davidians (1955-1993): Led by David Koresh, this group believed in an imminent apocalypse. A siege at their Waco, Texas compound in 1993 ended in a fire that killed Koresh and many of his followers.

  4. Aum Shinrikyo (1984-present): This Japanese cult, led by Shoko Asahara, believed in an impending nuclear war. In 1995, members released sarin gas in the Tokyo subway, killing 13 people and injuring thousands.

Modern apocalypse cults continue to emerge, often incorporating elements of popular culture, conspiracy theories, or concerns about current events (e.g., pandemics, climate change, or political unrest) into their beliefs about the end times.

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