Will the European Union (EU) "entry-exit system" (EES) launch on 10 November 2024?
Nov 9

The EU has been planning to introduce a digital border management system to record the movements of non-EU visitors to the Schengen Area.

Initially due to start in 2021, the launch date has repeatedly been postponed however it has recently been announced to launch on Sunday 10 November 2024.

This market resolves YES if there is credible evidence that UK citizens (who are non-EU citizens) are required to use the EES system upon entering the Schengen area on 10th November.

This could be newspaper reports, an update on the govenment's foreign travel advice (eg. https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/spain/entry-requirements) or information from airports/airlines about the change.

If the system is launched on 10th November but for technical reasons or some other reason doesn't quite work as intended this still resolves YES.



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