Resolves yes if there is some ban or restriction against waifus made by foreign nations
Waifus in this context is any type of content/product that is mean to act a substitute good for an actual girlfriend. It must be advertised/colloquially known as such, and include images and media of female(s)
@Quillist Are you excluding CSAM adjacent stuff? IE robo age ambiguous machine, I could see that being banned
@Quillist how specific must the regulation focus on waifus in particular? Would tariffs against all foreign goods and services count? What about a law specifically against waifus and one other thing? A law that indirectly forbids waifus without directly naming them? There's a lot of grey area
@TheAllMemeingEye one way i'd differentiate is if the spirit of the regulation is more targeted towards an attention economy ( similar to a tiktok ban ), where the focus is more around data, privacy, fears around foreign propaganda and domestic identity
@TheAllMemeingEye given all the corner cases this could classify on, it's necessarily going to be subjective. Its also very possible to have a sopa esque situation, where there is a strong special interest attempting to pass change, but has to do it though many layers of intent obfuscation.