Will Aevylmar update any of the following fics before March 1, 2024?
resolved Dec 27

Aevylmar has a bunch of good stories that are currently on hiatus. WIll any of them update in the next three months? This question only considers:

when the oaken leaves that fall from trees are green and spring up again
keeping watch in the night

to reach for the shining sun
the past is another country

till death or I cut loose the tie
weight of the wheel

For these purposes, update is defined as three posts of 10 words or more, at least one of which comes from Aevylmar, or 5 posts of any length at least one of which comes from Aevylmar.

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bought Ṁ67 of YES

Oaken Leaves has updated 3 times, twice by Aevylmar, all of which have >10 words

bought Ṁ50 of NO

Bought some NO to pay Aevylmar for updates. #MoveThisMarket!

bought Ṁ10 of NO

Ooh an opportunity to bribe Aevylmar with fake internet money

bought Ṁ100 of YES

You are all obviously insane and I am going to take your mana.

predicted YES

@Aevylmar Except Leonardo and Alicorn. They are sensible people.