Will Destiny sue MrGirl or drop his website after the article?
resolved Apr 13

> Chat someone should set up betting markets for whether or not Destiny sues mr girl for the article and whether or not Destiny drops his website after it comes out - ragepope

Close date updated to 2023-02-28 11:59 pm

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predicted YES

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

This market can resolve no, right? Outlined below in comments was a timeline of 2 weeks after the article dropping (although you said you might change your mind). Any update on that?

@Gen yeah

predicted NO

Does this market always resolve after march 1st, or after a certain time frame after the article drops?

Also mrgirl said plans to drop a second article afterwards just about his relationship to destiny. That doesn't matter, right?

Just asking those question to spare everyone the drama of unclear expectations.

@Agh I would say like 2 weeks within the article dropping but my mind might change, first article is the one this market is refering so second doesn't matter. I saw Mr.Girl say that at most he'd release on valentines day so hopefully soon

@PryingMind he's dropping the website before the article comes out, does that count?

@JonathanMast probably link?

@PryingMind This is what I was thinking of: https://youtu.be/Ne17gBY5HPM?t=964

They didn't take the site down but are no longer providing support.

@jonmast Sorry for the late response but that wouldn't count because what they are talking about is giving it updates he still has his site up

he will: he is sprite driven

> Chat someone should set up betting markets for whether or not Destiny sues mr girl for the article and whether or not Destiny drops his website after it comes out, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition