Will the final average of "Is rationalussy good or bad" fall in the interval [64.1%,64.2%]?
resolved Jun 9

The average is calculated in the same way as it was for "The Market".

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predicted YES

I calculate a final average of 64.166%.

bought į¹€5 of NO

I must be dumb cause I'm not exactly sure what the "final average" is supposed to be here. I'm guessing is not just the chance at the market's close, right?

Edit: nevermind, I just had to read the other market's description

bought į¹€100 of YES

It's now impossible for it to exceed 64.2%, and, at the current percentage, it will easily exceed 64.1%. Since the outcome is guaranteed, there's no reason for it to go down from the current percentage.

predicted YES

@JosephNoonan this market is the reason! to make uhm $1k just gotta keep it there at 98.9% until close right? šŸ˜†

predicted YES

@deagol Yeah, but then everyone else can make mana by betting it back up.

predicted YES

@JosephNoonan I was being sarcastic. Iā€™m pretty sure holding that one below 99% would would cost way more than 1k mana