Will my most popular market this year be self-resolving?
resolved Jan 1

Popularity is measured by number of unique traders. Self-resolving means that the resolution criteria for the market include some characteristic of the market itself. In the event of a tie, I will resolve this YES if any of the markets tied for most popular are self-resolving.

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My most popular market ended up being about GOP primary polling, so not self-resolving.

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My most popular market is now "Will the resolution to the Whales vs. Minnows market be controversial?" This market is about a self-resolving market, but it is not itself self-resolving, so if it is still my most popular at the end of the year, this market will resolve NO.

1) Is popularity measured based on traders gained this year per market or final traders at market resolution for markets that resolve this year?

2) Assuming this market is in-scope based on the year, if this is your most popular market, how does it resolve?

@Xe 1) It's based on the number of unique traders at the end of the year, regardless of whether the market has closed or not. (This is the same thing as "number of traders gained this year" since all of my markets were created this year).

2) If this is my most popular market, I will count it as self-resolving, since then it will resolve based on its own number of unique traders and its own status as a self-resolving market.