Which political party does Manifold think Joe Biden would run as?
May 20
Juggalo Party
Furry Party
Brony Party

If all three of these political parties existed (and were the only ones Biden could affiliate with), which one does Manifold think would be Biden's party? Resolves to the one with the most votes in a poll.

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So if Biden's running for the Furry Party, what would his fursona be?

@shankypanky Oh no, if you google "Joe Biden fursona" it's filled with horrifying AI images

@PlasmaBallin we need to fast track this one tbh - any ideas?


@shankypanky I don't know what species it would be, but his fursona should be named Malarkey

@PlasmaBallin not a fan of Malarkey Sharky, I googled Malarkey Fursona and got the headline:

Joe Biden will bring furries back to the White House

@PlasmaBallin but also, maybe a Ferret?

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