Will CGP Grey abandon manifold markets before the end of 2024?
resolved Oct 9

Manifold markets has seemed to attracted the attention of CGP Grey a popular YouTuber, by the end of 2024 will CGP Grey stop using the service?

if there is 6 months straight of no engagement during the year


no engagement for 3 months straight the at the end of 2024.

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bought Ṁ50 of YES

Last activity was was now over 6 months ago, at 15:00:11UTC on April 9, (it's 15:12UTC at time of writing) with a bet on third party presidency by 2040: https://manifold.markets/CGPGrey

I think it's safe to resolve this.

bought Ṁ500 of YES

Seems fair to me, why buy up the market on if he'll come back though?

predicted YES

@Joshua Later date, I continue to be long 'funny outcome' overall.

predicted YES

Maybe he re-appears in the next 50 minutes and claims it hasn't been six months yet because Daylight Savings Time shouldn't count.

bought Ṁ50 of NO

If I had a betting market on whether I'd come back in 6 months I'd probably come back (6 months-1 day) because it would be funny

Who the f is that guy?

sold Ṁ113 of YES

I don't think he's used Manifold since April 9, fwiw https://manifold.markets/CGPGrey?tab=portfolio

bought Ṁ55 of YES

@Conflux so, nothing until august 9 = resolve YES


predicted YES

@ShadowyZephyr I think nothing until July 9 is three months? But the criteria for this market are a bit weird if you read the comments

@Conflux Apologize, I’ll update the description, it’s 3 months up to 3 months after the year. Or if he’s gone for 6+ months during the year. So Oct 9th.

predicted YES

If he abandons the website for three months and then returns before the end of 2024, does that count as YES?

(Right now, he's been away for 1+ month but could come back to resolve the 1B Market, say)

@jgyou This is a good question, I didn’t consider this enough, how about 3 months after 2024, or 6 consecutive months sound?

predicted YES
bought Ṁ20 of YES

Does this count resolving his markets as engagement?

bought Ṁ1 of NO

@Conflux I’m confused by or question, you’re asking if resolving a market counts and engagement? In theory yes but I think it’s slightly hard to track them bets & comments

predicted YES

@PhatFree Yes, I’m asking if resolving a market as engagement.

predicted YES

@Conflux *if resolving a market COUNTS as engagement.

predicted YES

@PhatFree When you say “in theory yes”, does that mean practically no, or practically you won’t check but will count it if someone posts evidence in the comments?

predicted NO

@Conflux I’m just not sure on how to do it easily, if someone shows me how I can, but if someone posts evidence I’ll count it as yes

predicted YES

@PhatFree If you click the three dots on a market, it displays resolution date

sold Ṁ13 of NO

@Conflux Then yes it will count!

predicted NO

@PhatFree You could also just look at the graph...

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