Will the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts extend its mask mandate prior to March 1, 2022?
resolved Feb 24
This market will resolve to "Yes" if, prior to 12:00 AM March 1, 2022 Eastern Standard Time, the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts releases a news announcement, on the website https://www.cambridgema.gov/covid19/News, including an amendment to its temporary emergency order requiring the wearing of masks in indoor public places which extends this order past February 27, 2022, 11:59 PM. This market will resolve to "No" if no such amendment is put into place, or if the mandate described at the following link https://www.cambridgema.gov/-/media/Files/citymanagersoffice/COVID19/coccovid19emergordmasks1522.pdf is explicitly repealed before this date. Feb 22, 7:00am: If a new mask mandate is put in place in lieu of removing the old one, the question will resolve NO, provided that the new mask mandate requires masks in fewer circumstances that the old mask mandate does (e.g. requiring masks only for unvaccinated people, only in healthcare settings and schools, etc.). If the website cannot be accessed at the resolution time, an attempt will be made to access the website 8 hours later, after which the question will resolve N/A. Feb 24, 5:45pm: The mask mandate was extended by another two weeks, according to https://www.cambridgema.gov/covid19/News/2022/02/maskrequirementendsmarch13, and so the question will be resolved as YES. Since the new mandate does not seem to reduce the circumstances to which masks apply, resolving it as YES seems most accurate.
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