Prediction Markets Poll: Most Describes My Prediction Markets Usage? (Reason for Usage)...A., B., or C.?
resolved Dec 1
A. Bragging Rights, Resume Building, Social Validation or Resource Acquisition of Some Kind.
B. Gaming, Pure Enjoyment
C. Truth Seeking, Challenging My Conceptions, Hoping to Be Shown Wrong, Learn New Information, Ego-Busting

This is not really a true dichotomy (trichtomy?), it's just a way to discuss ideas.

If you had to pick one of the above, what most describes your reason for participating in Manifold?

If you use other Prediction Markets or none of the reasons fit you at all above, please comment below. You can still vote and then comment as well to clarify your vote.

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Added other relevant markets in the description.

@Austin, maybe you’d want to signal boost this?

Came because I was curious and wanted to get more into applied rationality while donating to charity, stayed for the bizarre & nerdy & kind community, but tbh I probably stayed because of how the gambling affects my brain chemistry.

@oh Same

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