Personal: Will I Successfully Avoid Added Sugar for 3 Months Until End of September 2023 With No More Than 3 Skip Days?
resolved Oct 5

Here's my tracker:

  • Green = Sucessfully No Added Sugar

  • Red = Skip Day

  • I may not update everything on time at the end of the day.


  • If there is a food that I thought had no added sugar, or has a marginal amount of no added sugar, I'm not going to count it, as long as I stop eating it as soon as I learn that it has added sugar.

  • For example (this has happened before), there might be a ceareal I'm eating on a regular basis that actually does have added sugar, but I only notice it 10 days in. I'm not going to count those 10 days.

  • Incidentally, I will also not intentially flagrantly not look at labels to try to consume sugar it's just hard to check everything so I try not to stress out about it too much and focus on the overall goal.

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Sorry for the delay in resolving, life stuff. I have done this previously for 90 days and had the same reaction. The first week is the hardest, then it becomes not really too difficult. I will say having the skip days made it actually harder than just completely going for zero.

In my experience addictive substances like sugar are so much easier to go cold turkey than to rely on skip days. My tips: avoid TV advertising, and if you ever have a craving for a certain food you want to avoid, try imagining another comfort food you would want more (that is slightly more healthy) and focus your imagination and cravings on that (sublimate your food cravings)