
I want to be the very best; like no one ever was.

After a catastrophic finish to my #1 streak up to Diamond last year, I have been demoted to the shameful landfill known as "Platinum". Will I manage to not only make it to Master League, but finish a month as #1?

December 2024 counts even though it resolves in January 2025, don't be weird. If Master gets renamed, this market continues. If the League system gets removed or retooled so as to invalidate the concept of the market, this will resolve N/A.

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How about if there is a single (1) league above Masters, and still just one Masters league.

Would you need to win the higher one? Or just the regular Masters one? Or N/A?

@Eliza I would need to win the higher one.

bought Ṁ0 of NO

Actually trying to win goes a long way.

predicts YES

@Joshua Thx for the inspiration

@Joshua It's no guarantee though. You need to ride the waves of chaos.

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