Will Manifold Reach 10500 Monthly Active Users in Aug?
resolved Sep 1

Resolution base on the numbers reported here: https://manifold.markets/stats

Resolves "YES" if Manifold reaches 10500 monthly active users at any point in Aug 2023

Resolves "NO" otherwise
Resolves "N/A" if Manifold stops reporting monthly active users to the public

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predicted YES
bought αΉ€500 of NO

@littlefishzerozeroseven Incredible things happening to the MAU numbers today. On track to change by more than 600 today alone!

predicted NO
predicted YES

@chrisjbillington go all in if you are so sure

predicted NO

@littlefishzerozeroseven I basically am, on this and related markets.

predicted NO

@Joshua Edit: He might be just be a weird tomato...

bought αΉ€1,329 of YES

@Joshua Risky, but possible, right?

bought αΉ€0 of NO

Good point, you should do it again πŸ‘€

predicted NO

@Joshua He has no mana.

predicted YES

@parhizj correct, I went all-in on this

predicted NO
predicted YES

@chrisjbillington I wanted to know what it's like to be addicted to gambling

predicted NO

@littlefishzerozeroseven Gambling addictions are typically a more drawn out affair, I'm not sure this is a great simulation.

predicted YES

@chrisjbillington That was a joke

predicted NO

@Joshua Me putting a limit order on 9% thinking it definitely won't go higher than that:

predicted NO

10259 its basically over

bought αΉ€50 of YES

10447.... it will be close

bought αΉ€0 of NO

@parhizj 10465 today!

sold αΉ€18 of YES

@chrisjbillington I should have waited for today's numbers looks like it will drop tomorrow

bought αΉ€200 of NO

@parhizj Nah it's so close, surely it will get across the line. Why would the trend just suddenly reverse

bought αΉ€5 of NO

@chrisjbillington Yes why indeed, surely nothing changed between August 25 and the 26.

predicted YES

@parhizj what's going on. why are all the NO side talking this up with mouths and not mana?

actually would appreciate an explainer as someone new to the stats tracking

predicted NO

@AdamTreat Look at the DAU (1d), and count 30 days backwards from yesterday