When will a Manifold question or comment be posted by someone in space?
In 2025 or earlier
In 2026 or earlier
In 2027 or earlier
In 2028 or earlier
In 2029 or earlier
In 2030 or earlier
In 2031 or earlier
In 2032 or earlier
In 2033 or earlier
The market will resolve positively when any Manifold question or comment is posted by a human user who at the time is located in space, i.e. above Karman line, 100 km above the Earth surface. Both orbital and suborbital flights qualify.
The account posting the question or comment has to be tied to a real person of whom it is publicly known that they were in space at the time.
If you are in space right now, please leave a comment under this question, this will simplify the resolution.
If I happen to fly to space while this question is not yet resolved, I will attempt to do it there.
I do not bet on my own questions.
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
1,000 to start trading!
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@BrunoParga If you could fit all of the conditions in the title, there wouldn't be any need for the description, wouldn't it?
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