UK General Election: Which party will win Hackney North and Stoke Newington?
Jul 4
Independent: Diane Abbott

This refers to the next general election to take place electing representatives to the UK parliament following December 2019.

Market resolves 100% to the party with the winning candidate.

Please submit answers in the form of a political party, not an individual. If you wish to submit an individual who will run as an independent, please submit your answer in the form: 'Independent: [person's name]'. If anybody submits 'Independent' as an answer, it will not resolve YES, even if an independent wins.

'Labour' and 'Labour and Co-operative' will be treated interchangeably.

I may bet in this market.

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If anyone wonders why Other should be high on this one, Diane Abbott is MP here so until she either regains the Labour whip or commits to standing as an independent (or for Corbyn’s rumoured party) there’s potential for her to be a powerful local spoiler candidate.

bought Ṁ50 Labour YES

@NoitArchive added her as an independent just in case. I reckon she won't get the whip back, and I think there's a good chance she stands anyway. Don't think she'll win though