UK General Election: Which party will win Cotswolds North?
Jul 4
Lib Dem

This refers to the next general election to take place electing representatives to the UK parliament following December 2019.

Market resolves 100% to the party with the winning candidate.

Please submit answers in the form of a political party, not an individual. If you wish to submit an individual who will run as an independent, please submit your answer in the form: 'Independent: [person's name]'. If anybody submits 'Independent' as an answer, it will not resolve YES, even if an independent wins.

'Labour' and 'Labour and Co-operative' will be treated interchangeably.

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The forecast aggregator has this down as a conservative win across most models:

Is there a reason why this market has gone in a very different direction?

Party      Britain Predicts Economist Electoral Calculus FT   More in Common Survation YouGov
con        28%              35%       34%                32%  36%            29%       39%
lab        25%              29%       22%                26%  23%            35%       25%
lib        15%              14%       26%                19%  22%            17%       20%
ref        17%              8%        12%                13%  9%             11%       9%
grn        10%              10%       5%                 7%   9%             7%        6%
oth        5%               3%        1%                 3%   0%             2%        1%

Reform are expected to perform well too so I'm surprised other is so low when lib dem is so high