For years Twitter had the Home and Timeline feeds. Now they have For You and Following feeds instead.
This market resolve to yes if, by the end of 2023, Twitter have a feed system other than exactly two possible options named For You and Following. EDIT: Or if Twitter stops having a feed system at all.
It will also resolve to YES if I come to know Twitter explicitly redefined the function of one or both the feeds (in a substantial manner) by the end of 2023 if it happened after the creation of this market (20/03/2023).
The market will only resolve to yes if this is a change for most users, experimentation in a small portion of the users does not count.
If Twitter ceases to exist, I will N/A this market.
Otherwise I will resolve to NO.
@NoamY I think that once (if) this update takes place the resolution condition will have already been met. A For You which only shows Blue Check accounts is fundamentally different from a For You which shows any accounts that are interesting to you