At the end of 2023, if I use Manifold Markets for more than 15 hours, will I think that using Manifold Markets over the last year has been net-positive or net-negative? (subsidized 550M)
resolved Jan 2

Evaluated vs. my guess about the counterfactual world where I don't use Manifold Markets that often. If I don't use Manifold Markets for more than 15 hours, this market will resolve N/A.

Dec 25, 1:33pm: At the end of 2024, if I use Manifold Markets for more than 15 hours, will I think that using Manifold Markets over the last year has been net-positive or net-negative? → At the end of 2024, if I use Manifold Markets for more than 15 hours, will I think that using Manifold Markets over the last year has been net-positive or net-negative? (subsidized 550M)

Dec 25, 1:34pm: At the end of 2024, if I use Manifold Markets for more than 15 hours, will I think that using Manifold Markets over the last year has been net-positive or net-negative? (subsidized 550M) → At the end of 2023, if I use Manifold Markets for more than 15 hours, will I think that using Manifold Markets over the last year has been net-positive or net-negative? (subsidized 550M)

net-positive = YES

net-negative = NO

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bought Ṁ50 of YES

@NoaNabeshima are you currently thinking the good outweighs the bad, or is it more of an unhealthy addiction?

@RobertCousineau Seems worthwhile overall currently!

bought Ṁ50 of YES

What would make you feel using manifold was net positive? This is exactly the type of thing I’ve been thinking about recently that I want to build into the product. I’d like to make using manifold be as useful as using duolingo/learning a new language.


Ways it could be good

- It gives me tighter feedback loops for figuring out what’s real

- It makes it easy to do something I care ab: getting feedback ab the world

- It prompts me to think deeply ab the future, which is generally helpful
- I have fun trading on my beliefs and getting a sense of what people I know believe
- I can elicit other people’s beliefs by making markets on things I want to get information about.

Ways it could be bad

- I get addicted to it, it seems fun but somehow dissatisfying like video games sometimes are (I have this a little already)

- lots of markets I bet in don't resolve appropriately for whatever reason

- Gamelike mechanics leads me to doing things I don't on reflection endorse and this is a lot of how I spend my time

 + EG because most markets aren't very liquid, every time you bet you have a profit on the market for a while, which can lead to over-betting

 + Because markets are illiquid you as an individual can control a market price in your favor (at least on paper), so you might want to keep a market at a particular percentage so that your portfolio looks good (to yourself!)
+ Maybe I spend more time betting than I want to

- If most of the markets are miscalibrated but take a while to resolve, it might nudge me to have wrong consensus beliefs

- If most of the markets are resolved too subjectively in a way that incorporates the market creator's beliefs it can nudge me to have wrong consensus beliefs