Will the WHO declare another Public Health Emergency of International Concern before 2025?
Dec 31

Other than the current polio, COVID-19 and monkeypox PHEICs.

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The new mpox strain (Clade Ib) is more deadly than the previous strain, with a fatality rate ~5%. But the new strain doesn't appear to be more infectious, it still requires close physical contact to spread, and is still primarily sexually transmitted like the previous variant. There are 7,851 suspected mpox cases in the DRC this year as of the end of May:

And here is the number of lab-test-confirmed cases by continent:

Global health in jeopardy
COVID still causing calamity
WHO may declare a new emergency
We must ensure the great reset, ultimately

predicts NO

@DismalScientist Buying no because if you assume .33 risk in 23 and 24 then you get about a 55% chance of yes

predicts YES


@egroj The market for 2030 should always trade way higher than OP, corresponding very roughly to the public health prob per year * 5 (more like 1-(1-p)^5)

predicts YES

@lu I agree, I think that the one for 2030 is still very low

predicts NO

"Will the WHO declare another Public Health Emergency of International Concern before 2025?"

Will the WHO declare another Public Health Emergency of International Concern before 2025?