What will @levifinkelstein change his display name to?
resolved Jul 8
Levi (not reformed)
Knif Elstein
joe mama
💩 🥄😋
Luke Rhinehart

This market resolves to the first display name that @levifinkelstein edits his profile to after market close. Levi is not allowed to bet on this market. He must choose between the top 3 names in this market, and should keep it for at least 1 month once changed.

I made this market as a service to Levi since other people have trouble creating Free Response markets. If this looks like a scam using my reputation, I reserve the right to cancel the market at my discretion.


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Oh man, I should have known Rationaleviussy⠀⠀ would do something rationalevil like that. The world has been turned upside down. @ButtocksCocktoasten has positive profit now.

Perhaps Rationaleviussy was always the way to defamiliarize the ordinary.

@Sailfish Can you elaborate a lil bit?

"But what if the dice rolls unfavorably?"

"Then it does. Uncertainty is part of life. You might as well embrace it."

Alright, I'll choose the third option, i.e. "Rationaleviussy⠀⠀"

Well fuck me sideways. I guess I shouldn't have tried to make this place a bit more fun

@dgga Relax - I'm sure you and @ButtocksCocktoasten are on friendly terms and something good will come out of this. You're one of his most fervent rationalussy supporters in this market, after all.

@dgga "I shouldn't have tried to make this place a bit more fun" no you did great, I thought it was quite fun. Only thing is the fun didn't last that long and now I need some more of it.

"The Dice Man" by Luke Rhinehart is a Book i greatly recommend.

Rationaleviussy is clearly a superior name to Luke Rhinehart, so superior that there are 3 versions of it.

@JosephNoonan Wholeheartetly agreed for both sentimental and financial reasons

"But what if the dice rolls unfavorably?"

"Then it does. Uncertainty is part of life. You might as well embrace it."

-Luke Rhinehart


"This is pretty cool name, probably the coolest of them all. I'm very glad I chose it"

-Rationaleviussy aka @levifinkelstein, message from the future

If a name has 95%+ I commit to choose it.

`What if your feeling that all desires are unreliable and all beliefs illusions is right, is the mature, valid vision of reality, and the rest of men are living under illusions which your experience has permitted you to shed?'

Òf course, that's what I think,' she said.

`Then why not act upon your belief?'

The smile left her face and she frowned, still not looking at, me.

`What do you mean?'

`Treat all of your desires as if they had equal value and each of your beliefs as if it were as much an illusion as the next.'


`Stop trying to create a pattern, a personality; just do whatever you feel like.'

`But I don't feel like doing anything; that's the trouble.'

'That's because you're letting one desire, the desire to believe strongly and be a clearly defined person, inhibit the rest of your various desires.'

'Maybe, but I don't see how I can change it.'

`Become a dice person.'

-Luke Rhinehart talking to Terry Tracy

@jojomonsta7777 I have only one clearly defined desire and one clearly defined belief: the desire and belief in Rationalussy. I will never become a dice person on this, because Rationalussy does not play dice with the universe.

@ButtocksCocktoasten "We must become unpredictable, start a new random order which shall overtake the order of the tyrant. All my life I, like you, thought of myself as a fixed and unchanging entity, and was led to this only because I had become an inflexible, rigid, and predictable person. But now I realize that in the mutable and changing pattern of my behavior is the reality of myself."

@jojomonsta7777 The omly reality is Rationalussy

The two that I submitted are "Rationaleviussy⠀" and "Rationaleviussy⠀⠀", where the spaces are the Unicode character U+2800. So they are not the same as duN's suggestion and therefore those three, and only those three, are the top 3 that Levi must choose from, if they end up in the top 3. I think Levi should choose duN's, since that is the original, but I want to make sure he makes the right choice.

@ButtocksCocktoasten if you keep this up, they're going to have to rename the site "Rationalussy Markets".

@ButtocksCocktoasten Gonna need some help here, people are choosing objectively bad names when a superior one has been established

Apologies to Paul Rand.

I commit to choose between the top 3 names and keep it for a month. I will not bet, neither with any alt or have friends bet for me in any way.