resolved Oct 30

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This permanent stock is "marked-to-market" annually and will resolve to market at the end of the year, with a follow-up being created at the same probability.

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predicted YES

@ian do you mind deleting this market? It's a "STONK" that is closed and keeps sending me messages to resolve it, which I can't do.

@Mira Hm I’m not sure if that will work, do you mind if I just extend the close time?

predicted YES

@ian I remember you had some way to convert it back to a binary market, which can then be resolved NA. This one was supposed to be like a Versus market and not a stock, but it got picked up during the mass-conversion a few months back.

It has no traders anyways, so I was hoping to just get rid of it.

@Mira oh that's right, just marked it as a binary market

predicted YES

I've closed this market for trading since admins converted it to a stock and the description is now inaccurate since it will never resolve.

See /Mira/chatgpt-stock for one that can keep trading.