Will I work for Manifold Markets before 2022-09-01
resolved Sep 1
Will I work for Manifold Markets full time or on a project (pay in M$ does not count)? This market will be decided ahead of time in case of YES. Pros: * Experience as a fullstack developer. * Diploma in (financial) mathematics * Enthusiastic about Prediction Markets Cons: * English not native language * Residence in Europe Warning: The team at Manifold Markets and I obviously have insider information. I promise not to bid on this market.
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N/A because I have implemented and been payed for a feature but this market was intended to be about something more long term.

>This market will be decided ahead of time in case of YES.
I feel like this line was a bad decision.

I'm not sure if it was a good idea to announce that this market will close ahead of time in case of YES. People can infer that it will be NO as time passes. On the other hand new hirees will probably be announced in a timely fashion anyways. What do you guys think?
@MilliOnaire Yes it seems like conditionally closing the market will always have this property, not sure of the purpose of doing that
bought Ṁ1 of YES
Thanks for your interest! Let's find some time to chat: https://mni.fo/austin-chat Also, do you happen to have a link to your resume, or a personal website or something like that? (You can also email me directly at austin@manifold.markets)
@Austin: I've sent a mail to jobs@manifold.markets, I'll forward it to you directly.
@Austin I'm already planned out next week but will create an appointment the week after. Feel free to reject the appointment if you don't see me working for Manifold Markets but I think I'd like to talk anyways in that case. :)
bought Ṁ1 of YES
The pros are pretty decent there! Good luck. It will depend a lot on who else applies, whether you decide you want the job, and if the Europe thing is a problem (if MM centers on an East Coast US time zone for synch. comms., maybe it is not such an issue).