I will lose a personal computing device in the next year
resolved Feb 19
Computer or phone, one of the ones I use on a daily basis, market resolves YES if I lose it and don't get it back Feb 14, 12:02am: Clarifying because of the word "personal" in the title: work laptop does count Apr 10, 8:26am: By "lose" I centrally mean "misplace" -- leave on BART or at a restaurant or on a park bench or on the roof of my car, or unsecured in my bike basket and someone walks off with it. Basically we're looking for ADHD failures here.
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predicted NO

Note: a guy hit me in the face with my work laptop and it got kinda banged up. Google's gonna replace it. I am not considering any step in this process to constitute "losing" the laptop. If I lose the replacement that will of course count.

predicted YES

@MichaelBlume I feel bad laughing but the context of such a thing happening the year you made this market is pretty amusing

bought Ṁ5 of YES
does quitting your job and having to turn in your work laptop count as "I lose it and don't get it back"?
predicted NO

@Adam Gonna go with "no" on this one.

predicted NO

@MichaelBlume If I were fired from my job and had to turn in my work laptop I'd consider that a nearer case but would still not resolve yes.

bought Ṁ1 of YES
Probably you're underrating this because you've done less leaving the house in the last year than you will in the next year.