Will the band, Oasis reform by the end of 2024?
resolved Sep 10

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Based on discussion below, since the creator is inactive and multiple sources (such as Wikipedia) say that Oasis has reformed, I will be resolving the market YES.

If the reunion is announced in 2024 but takes place in 2025, how does this resolve?

opened a Ṁ1 YES at 40% order

@GoodGuesser now that’s the 1.5k Mana question, innit. @mods creator’s gone.

wikipedia thinks they’re active now

bought Ṁ35 YES

@mattyb I'm betting on the fact that there could have been other language (perform, play, do a concert, ...) that would resolve differently. Claude and ChatGPT both suggest resolving YES when I ask:
"'Will the band, Oasis reform by the end of 2024?'

If they decided in 2024 that they will do concerts in 2025, have they reformed? Rule a final judgment"

@traders does anyone have any arguments that this shouldn't resolve yes in that case?

@jacksonpolack As the biggest NO holder, I will say I’m fine with a YES resolution. I was trading on what the market creator’s interpretation would be, but in their absence YES makes sense.